Media Helper

The Media Helper is a utility class provided by the Essa\APIToolKit namespace that streamlines the file uploading and deletion processes for your Laravel application.

Table of contents

  1. Uploading a File
  2. Deleting a File
  3. Uploading Multiple Files
  4. Uploading Base64 Images
  5. Uploading to a Custom Disk
  6. Conclusion:

Uploading a File

use Essa\APIToolKit\MediaHelper;

$uploadedFilePath = MediaHelper::uploadFile($file, $path, $fileName = null, $withOriginalName = false);


  • $file(UploadedFile): An instance of Illuminate\Http\UploadedFile containing the file to be uploaded.
  • $path (string): The directory path where the file should be stored.
  • $fileName (string, optional): A custom filename to use for the uploaded file. If not provided, a filename will be generated automatically.
  • $withOriginalName (bool, optional): If set to true, the file will be saved with its original name. Default is false.

Deleting a File

Remove a file using the deleteFile method.

use Essa\APIToolKit\MediaHelper;



  • $filePath The path of the file to be deleted.

Uploading Multiple Files

You can upload multiple files simultaneously using the uploadMultiple method.

use Essa\APIToolKit\MediaHelper;

$uploadedFilePaths = MediaHelper::uploadMultiple($files, $path, $filesNames = null, $withOriginalNames = false);


  • $files An array of Illuminate\Http\UploadedFile instances containing the files to be uploaded.
  • $path The directory path where the files should be stored.
  • $withOriginalNames (bool, optional): If set to true, the files will be saved with their original names. The default is false.
  • $filesNames (array, optional): An array of custom filenames to use for the uploaded files. If not provided, filenames will be generated automatically.

Uploading Base64 Images

You can upload images in base64 format using the uploadBase64Image method.

use Essa\APIToolKit\MediaHelper;

$encodedImage = '...'; // Replace with actual base64 image data
$path = 'uploads/images'; // Destination path

// Upload the base64 image and get the uploaded image path
$uploadedImagePath = MediaHelper::uploadBase64Image($encodedImage, $path, $fileName = null);


  • $encodedImage The base64-encoded image data.
  • $path The directory path where the image should be stored.
  • $fileName (string, optional): A custom filename to use for the uploaded image. If not provided, a filename will be generated automatically.

Uploading to a Custom Disk

You can upload files to any configured disk using the disk method. If no disk is explicitly specified, the default disk will be used for the operation; otherwise, the specified disk will be used.


// Upload a file to the 's3' disk
$uploadedFilePath = MediaHelper::disk('s3')->uploadFile($file, $path, $fileName = null, $withOriginalName = false);

// Delete a file from the 's3' disk

// Upload multiple files to the 's3' disk
$uploadedFilePaths = MediaHelper::disk('s3')->uploadMultiple($files, $path, $filesNames = null, $withOriginalNames = false);

// Upload a base64 image to the 's3' disk
$uploadedImagePath = MediaHelper::disk('s3')->uploadBase64Image($encodedImage, $path, $fileName = null);

// Use the default filesystem disk
$uploadedFilePath = MediaHelper::uploadFile($file, $path, $fileName = null, $withOriginalName = false);


The Media Helper simplifies common file uploading and deletion tasks in your Laravel application. Its methods are designed to make managing files more efficient and user-friendly. Use the provided methods to seamlessly integrate file-handling capabilities into your project.