
Filters allow you to refine API query results based on various attributes.

Table of contents

  1. Creating a Filter
  2. Applying Filters
  3. Available Filter Options
  4. Creating Custom Filters
  5. Using Filters in Requests
  6. Available Filtering Operations and Keys
  7. Customizing Filters with FiltersDTO
  8. Date and Time Filters

Creating a Filter

To create a filter, use the provided Artisan command: Generate a filter class:

php artisan make:filter CarFilters

Using Filters in Models

namespace App\Models;

use Essa\APIToolKit\Filters\Filterable;

class Car extends Model
    use Filterable;

    protected string $default_filters = CarFilters::class;

    // Other model code...

Applying Filters

Filters can be applied to a query using the useFilters scope method:


Available Filter Options

In your filter class (CarFilters in this case), you have several options you can customize:

Allowed Filters Define the attributes you want to allow filtering by using the $allowedFilters property:

protected array $allowedFilters = ['color', 'model_id'];

Allowed Sorts Specify the attributes that can be used for sorting using the $allowedSorts property:

protected array $allowedSorts = ['created_at'];

To sort in descending or descending order. For example, to sort by created_at :

// descending : ?sorts=created_at
// ascending  : ?sorts=-created_at

Allowed Includes For eager loading relationships, set the $allowedIncludes property:

protected array $allowedIncludes = ['model'];

Column and Relation Search Specify columns and relationships that can be searched using the $columnSearch and $relationSearch properties:

protected array $columnSearch = ['name', 'description'];
protected array $relationSearch = [
    'user' => ['first_name', 'last_name']

Search functionality can affect database performance you have to use it wisely, See Optimizing Search Operations in Your Database.

Creating Custom Filters

You can create custom filters by adding new methods to your filter class. For example, to filter cars by their manufacturing year:

public function year($term)
    $this->builder->whereYear('manufacturing_date', $term);

Using Filters in Requests

By default, the filtering, sorting, inclusion, and search parameters are expected to be provided through the query parameters of your API request. The filters are then processed and applied using the provided query parameter, For example, to filter cars by color:

GET /cars?color=red

Available Filtering Operations and Keys

Operation Key Description Example
Search search Filters results by searching for a keyword across columns. GET /cars?search=red
Sorting sorts Sorts results based on specified attributes. GET /cars?sorts=created_at
Filtering Custom filters Applies custom filters based on defined attributes. GET /cars?color=red&model_id=1
Inclusion includes Eager loads specified relationships. GET /cars?includes=model,otherModel

Customizing Filters with FiltersDTO

However, you can also override this default behavior by manually creating a FiltersDTO instance and passing it to the useFilters scope method. This gives you more control over the filter data and allows you to apply filters without relying on the query parameters.

Here’s an example of how you can use the FiltersDTO to apply custom filters:

use Essa\APIToolKit\Tests\Mocks\Models\TestModel;
use Essa\APIToolKit\DTO\FiltersDTO;

// Create a FiltersDTO instance manually
$filtersDTO = new FiltersDTO(
    sorts: 'created_at', // Sort by created_at in ascending order
    filters: ['name' => 'Car'], // Filter by name
    includes: ['relation'], // Include sluggableTestModel relation
    search: '2023' // Search for the year 2023

// Pass the custom FiltersDTO to the useFilters scope method
$records = TestModel::useFilters(filteredDTO: $filtersDTO)->get();

Date and Time Filters

The DateFilter and TimeFilter traits simplify querying records within a specific date or time range.

To use these traits, include them in your filter class:

use Essa\APIToolKit\Traits\DateFilter;
use Essa\APIToolKit\Traits\TimeFilter;

class TestModelFilters extends QueryFilters
    use DateFilter;
    use TimeFilter;

    // ... 

Example: Retrieve records created between ‘2023-08-01’ and ‘2023-08-15’ within a time range of ‘09:00:00’ to ‘12:00:00’:


These traits enhance the flexibility of your API’s querying capabilities and allow you to easily retrieve records based on date and time attributes.