API Generator

The API Generator simplifies the process of creating API-related files for a model, making it quick and easy to set up the required components. It offers the ability to generate files such as controllers, requests, resources, migrations, factories, seeders, filters, tests, and even API routes.

Table of contents

  1. Usage
  2. All Options:
  3. Folder Structure of Generated Files
  4. Schema Option
    1. How to Use Schema
    2. Generated Files and Their Content
      1. Model File
      2. Migration File
      3. Factory File
      4. Request Files
      5. Resource File
  5. Customization
    1. Example: Using Customization Options:
  6. Creating a New Group with Custom File Locations
    1. Step 1: Configure Custom File Locations
    2. Step 2: Generate Files for the New Group
  7. Conclusion:


To generate API-related files for a specific model, use the following command:

php artisan api:generate ModelName --all

Replace ModelName with the name of the model for which you wish to create API components.

Upon executing the command, you’ll be presented with options to tailor the generation process according to your preferences.

  • If you use --all option it will proceed with all the default options, the generator will create files for all available options specified in the config/api-tool-kit configuration. Alternatively, you can choose to customize the generation by selecting specific files to create.
  • When you type the command it will ask you whether you want default options :

All Options:

By default, the API Generator creates the following files for the specified ModelName using the --all ,If you don’t use --all, it will only create the Model class:

Default Options Location
Model File app/Models/ModelName.php
Controller File app/Http/Controllers/API/ModelNameController.php
Resource File app/Http/Resources/ModelName/ModelNameResource.php
Create Model Request File app/Http/Requests/ModelName/CreateModelNameRequest.php
Update Model Request File app/Http/Requests/ModelName/UpdateModelNameRequest.php
Filter File app/Filters/ModelNameFilters.php
Seeder File database/seeders/ModelNameSeeder.php
Factory File database/factories/ModelNameFactory.php
Test File tests/Feature/ModelNameTest.php
Migration File database/migrations/x_x_x_x_create_model_names_table.php
Routes Automatically added to routes/api.php

In addition, the generator automatically adds the necessary API routes to the routes/api.php file.

Folder Structure of Generated Files

├── app
│   ├── Http
│   │   ├── Controllers
│   │   │   └── API
│   │   │       └── CarController.php
│   │   ├── Requests
│   │   │   └── Car
│   │   │       ├── CreateCarRequest.php
│   │   │       └── UpdateCarRequest.php
│   │   └── Resources
│   │       └── Car
│   │           └── CarResource.php
│   └── Models
│       └── Car.php
├── database
│   ├── factories
│   │   └── CarFactory.php
│   ├── migrations
│   │   └── x_x_x_x_create_cars_table.php
│   └── seeders
│       └── CarSeeder.php
├── tests
│   └── Feature
│       └── CarTest.php
├── app
│   └── Filters
│       └── CarFilters.php
└── routes
    └── api.php

Schema Option

The schema option in the API Generator simplifies the process of generating API-related files for your model by allowing you to define your database columns and their attributes directly in the command. This option lets you specify the schema in a format that closely resembles Laravel’s database migrations.

How to Use Schema

The schema is defined as a comma-separated list of column definitions in the format COLUMN_NAME:COLUMN_TYPE:OPTIONS. Here’s an example of how to define a schema:

php artisan api:generate Customer "username:string|age:integer:nullable|company_id:foreignId|status:enum(new,old)" --all

In the above example, we define three columns: username, and age, company_id, each with its respective data type and options.

Generated Files and Their Content

When using the schema option, the API Generator will generate various files tailored to the specified schema. Here’s how the schema affects different files:

Model File

The generated model file will include the fillable attributes and relationships based on the schema. Here’s an example:

protected $fillable = ['username', 'company_id', 'age', 'status'];

public function company()
    return $this->belongsTo(Company::class);

Migration File

The migration file will be created with columns and options according to the schema definition. For instance:

$table->enum('status', ['old', 'new']);

Factory File

The factory file will use the schema to generate sample data for testing. Each defined attribute will be assigned a corresponding Faker method. For example:

'username' => $this->faker->firstName(),
'age' => $this->faker->randomNumber(),
'company_id' => createOrRandomFactory(Company::class),
'status' => $this->faker->randomElement(['old', 'new']),

Note createOrRandomFactory() function creates a new instance or fetches a random record from a class using a factory.

Request Files

The generated request files will include the validation rules based on the schema.

'username' => ['required', 'string'],
'age' => ['nullable', 'integer'],
'company_id' => ['required'],
'status' => ['sometimes', 'in:old,new'],

Resource File

The resource file will define the structure of the API response using the schema attributes.

'username' => $this->username,
'age' => $this->age,
'status' => $this->status,
'company_id' => $this->company_id,
'created_at' => dateTimeFormat($this->created_at),
'updated_at' => dateTimeFormat($this->updated_at),

Note dateTimeFormat() function used to format datetime formats you can change the format from api-tool-kit config file.


The API Generator allows you to customize the files you want to generate. You can opt to create specific components as per your project requirements. The available customization options are:

Customization Options Shortcuts Description
--controller -c Generate a controller file.
--request -R Generate request files for model creation and updating.
--resource -r Generate a resource file for the model.
--migration -m Generate a migration file.
--factory -f Generate a factory file.
--seeder -s Generate a seeder file.
--filter -F Generate a filter file.
--test -t Generate a test file.
--routes   Add API routes to routes/api.php.
--soft-delete   Enable soft delete for the model.

Example: Using Customization Options:

Here’s an example of how to generate a Car model with a controller, create and update request files, and enable soft delete :

php artisan api:generate Car -cR --soft-delete

Creating a New Group with Custom File Locations

When creating a new group using the API Generator, you can specify custom locations for different types of files, such as models, controllers, factories, and more. Customizing file locations within a group allows you to maintain a well-structured codebase tailored to your project’s needs. Example :

php artisan api:generate ModelName --all --group=v1

Here’s how to create a new group with custom file locations:

Step 1: Configure Custom File Locations

To customize the file locations within your group, you can now specify them directly in the configuration file. No need to create path resolver classes anymore.

In your config/api-tool-kit.php configuration file, define the custom file locations for each file type within the new group under the “groups_files_paths” section. Use the group name as the key and provide the folder path, file name, and namespace for each file type.

For example, to configure the “v1” group with custom file locations for models, controllers, and set a base URL prefix, update your configuration like this:

    'groups_files_paths' => [
        // ...other groups...
        'v1' => [
            GeneratorFilesType::MODEL => [
                'folder_path' => app_path('Models'),
                'file_name' => '{ModelName}.php',
                'namespace' => 'App\Models',
            GeneratorFilesType::CONTROLLER => [
                'folder_path' => app_path('Http/Controllers/API/V1'),
                'file_name' => '{ModelName}Controller.php',
                'namespace' => 'App\Http\Controllers\API\V1',
            // Add custom file locations for all other file types here

    'groups_url_prefixes' => [
        'v1' => '/api/v1',

In this example, we’ve specified custom folder paths, file names (you can use “{ModelName}” as a placeholder that gets replaced with the model name), and namespaces for models and controllers within the “v1” group. Additionally, we’ve set the base URL prefix for the ‘v1’ group.

When creating custom groups, it’s essential to provide file info for all types within the group, even if you only intend to customize some of them. For types you don’t wish to customize, you can use the default classes from the default group. Also, remember to add a route group prefix for each new group under ‘groups_url_prefixes’ in the configuration. Explore all default values here.

Step 2: Generate Files for the New Group

Now that you’ve defined the group, configured the path resolver classes, and updated the configuration, you can generate API-related files for the new group using the --group option.

For example, to generate files for the “v1” group:

php artisan api:generate ModelName --all --group=v1

The API Generator will use the specified group’s path resolver classes to organize the generated files according to the custom folder structure and namespace you defined for each file type.

Customizing file locations within a group provides flexibility in organizing your API codebase to meet specific project requirements. You can create and configure multiple groups, each with its own set of custom file locations, to maintain a modular and structured API implementation.


The API Generator feature offers a streamlined and convenient way to generate essential API-related files for your models. Whether you’re working with default options or customizing the generation process, this tool enables you to quickly set up controllers, resources, requests, and more. Experiment with the customization options to efficiently create API components that align with your project’s architecture and requirements.