
The Enum class provides a convenient way to work with enumerations, allowing you to define a set of named constants that represent distinct values. By using enums, you can eliminate hardcoded values in your code and ensure consistency and maintainability.

Table of contents

  1. Generating an Enum Class
  2. Define enum values
  3. Example
  4. Conclusion:

Generating an Enum Class

To create a new enum class, you can use the make:enum Artisan command:

php artisan make:enum UserTypes

This command generates an enum class named UserTypes in the App\Enums namespace. You can replace UserTypes with your desired enum name.

Define enum values

namespace App\Enums;

class UserTypes extends Enum
    public const ADMIN = 'admin';
    public const STUDENT = 'student';

The Enum class provides several methods to work with enums:

  • getAll() Get an array containing all enum values.
  • isValid($value) Check if a given value exists as a constant in the enum.
  • toArray() Get an associative array containing all enum constants as keys and their respective values.


Here’s an example of using the UserTypes enum:

use App\Enums\UserTypes;

// Check if a value is a valid enum value
$isStudent = UserTypes::isValid('student'); // Returns true

// Get an array of all enum values
$allUserTypes = UserTypes::getAll(); // Returns ['admin', 'student']

// Get an array of enum constants
$enumConstants = UserTypes::toArray(); // Returns ['ADMIN' => 'admin', 'STUDENT' => 'student']


Enums provide a structured and consistent way to manage and reference predefined values in your application. By using the Enum class, you can create organized and maintainable code that avoids hardcoded values and promotes readability and consistency throughout your project.