
The Actions feature employs the command design pattern to encapsulate business logic within distinct and organized classes. This approach enhances code structure, readability, and maintainability in your Laravel application.

Table of contents

  1. Generating an Action Class
  2. Defining Business Logic
  3. Utilizing Dependency Injection
    1. Using Laravel Application Container
    2. Injecting Action in Constructor
    3. Injecting Action in Controller Function
  4. Benefits of Actions
  5. Conclusion:

Generating an Action Class

To create an action class, you can utilize the make:action Artisan command:

php artisan make:action CreateCar

This command generates an action class named CreateCar in the App\Actions namespace. Replace CreateCar with the desired action name.

Defining Business Logic

After generating the action class, define your business logic within the execute method:

namespace App\Actions;

class CreateCar
    public function execute($data)
      //add business logic to create a car

Within the execute method, you can encapsulate any complex business logic related to the action. This isolation promotes separation of concerns and maintainability.

Utilizing Dependency Injection

To use the action class effectively, it’s recommended to apply dependency injection. You have several options for utilizing the action class across your application.

Using Laravel Application Container

You can directly resolve and execute the action from the Laravel application container:


Injecting Action in Constructor

Inject the action class into a class’s constructor to enable its usage within that class:

private $createCarAction ;

public function __construct(CreateCar $createCarAction)

public function store(Request $request)

Injecting Action in Controller Function

Inject the action class directly into a Laravel controller function for usage:

public function store(CreateCar $createCarAction)

Benefits of Actions

By using the “Actions” feature, you can achieve the following benefits:

  • Clean and Organized Code Business logic is encapsulated within distinct classes, improving code structure and readability.
  • Separation of Concerns Business logic is separated from controllers and models, promoting a modular architecture.
  • Reusability Actions can be reused across different parts of the application, reducing code duplication.

you can check this article to understand how Laravel’s IoC Container works here.


The Actions feature is a valuable tool for structuring and managing business logic within your Laravel application. Whether you’re creating complex processes or handling straightforward tasks, this pattern empowers you to create organized, maintainable, and efficient code. Utilize dependency injection and choose the approach that best suits your application’s needs to seamlessly integrate actions into your project